Jay Perez Postpones Fort Worth Show Due to Health Concerns

Jay Perez | Photo: Thomas Vasquez / Tommy Gunz Photography / Tejano Nation

Jay Perez has announced the postponement of his show in Fort Worth, Texas, tonight (May 18) due to health issues. The award-winning singer shared a statement on social media from his hospital bed, providing fans with an update on his condition that is painful enough to keep him from walking.

“Hey everybody, as you can see I’m in the hospital. I had some pain on the back of my left knee a couple of weeks ago and it got worse. And this morning, well a couple of days ago I went for an MRI and x-ray and the doctors determined it was just arthritis. No torn ligaments, none of that stuff. Everything was normal. But anyway, I’m back at the hospital again,” Perez shared.

Despite the setback, Perez remains optimistic and is committed to keeping his fans updated on his progress. “This morning I got out of the shower and took a turn, a quick right to grab my deodorant and stuff and I just heard a big old pop behind my knee. So that cannot be arthritis. So yeah, sometimes they get it wrong. Anyway, so I’m back here to see what’s really happening. But we’ll give you guys an update,” he said.

Perez also expressed his regret for the show’s cancellation and reassured fans that it would be rescheduled. “All our fans in Fort Worth, I apologize, we’ll reschedule the show. We’ll post it on our webpage and let you guys know and the promoter as well when we can reschedule. But for now, I’m stuck here in the hospital and we’ll let you guys know what’s happening, okay? Thank you guys and again I apologize for the cancellation and stuff. You know how I feel about that. We don’t cancel shows just to cancel shows. So anyway, look where I’m at. Anyway, we’ll update you guys as we make progress and we’ll let you know about the rescheduling of the Club Insomnia in Fort Worth,” Perez concluded.

His wife, Roxy Perez, shared an update on Saturday night that the pair were “overwhelmed with all the love and support” and thanked everyone for prayers and well-wishes. She added, “Jay has been admitted to the hospital for pain control and to stabilize his knee until Monday.” On Monday, the Latin Grammy-nominated singer will have an MRI and be evaluated for potential surgery by the orthopedic surgical team.

Perez, known for his soulful voice and charismatic stage presence, has been a prominent figure in the Tejano music scene since the early 1990s. His music, a blend of rhythm and blues with traditional Tejano, has won him numerous awards and a dedicated fan base.

We at TejanoNation.net wish Jay Perez a speedy recovery and look forward to his return to the stage. Stay tuned for more on his health updates.

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