Art Tigerina Band drops fun, danceable ranchera ‘Saname’

The Art Tigerina Band has released their latest song “Saname,” a fun, danceable ranchera with an arrangement that features a true Tejano sound.

Tigerina delivers strong vocals with his unique voice and vocal range on the tune written by Francisco VillarrealEva Carolina Davis, and Rene De La Cerda, Jr. “Saname” was arranged and produced by Villarreal and recorded at Javi’s Studio and Key of E Music.

The Art Tigerina Band has been extremely busy with their touring schedule which delayed the release of the band’s sophomore album, which will include “Saname” and the highly requested and successful cover of the country classic “An Empty Glass.” The album is expected to be released by the end of 2022.

“Saname” is available now on Reverbnation for streaming and download. The song will be available on all digital platforms (iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, etc) on Labor Day Weekend 2022.

For music and band updates, check out the Art Tigerina Band Facebook page @ArtTigerinaBand. For inquiries on booking send an email to

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