Jennifer Peña Discusses a Triumphant Return to Music and Future Plans

Jennifer Pena Interview with KENS 5

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After a 13-year hiatus from the music industry, Tejano music sensation Jennifer Peña is making a triumphant return. In an exclusive interview with KENS 5 anchor Henry Ramos, Peña opened up about her unexpected departure from the Casate Conmigo Tour with Siggno, her return to music, and her future plans.

The Unexpected End of the Casate Conmigo Tour

The Casate Conmigo Tour kicked off in February with Siggno featuring Peña. The tour was based on their chart-topping duet and abruptly ended just two months after the launch. “It was unexpected in the way that it wasn’t supposed to end as early that it did, but it was still only supposed to be a few months anyway,” Peña said about the sudden end of the tour.

A Return Sparked by Fans

Peña’s return to music after over a decade away to raise a family was largely driven by her fans. “This return that’s dependent on the fans started because of them,” she explained. “I really thought that people had just kind of forgotten about me after so long.”

However, the outpouring of support and love she received on social media made her reconsider. “When the fans and the comments started on all my social media, you know, my networks, it was like, come back and we miss you and we want more music. That’s really kind of what fanned that flame.”

Feeling at Home on Stage

Peña described her return to the stage as feeling natural and like home. “You know, it gave me peace. It felt like this is where I belong. I think it was, it’s part of, and I was born to be a mother, but being on stage, part of what I was born to do. It’s part of my destiny.”

Future Tour Plans and New Music

While Peña is not currently on a tour, she is taking appearances and has some shows scheduled. “There will be things throughout the next few months,” she said.

She also revealed that she will be releasing new music soon. “That’s like kind of priority for me right now because I know fans have been waiting for a while. And of course I wanted to get reacquainted with them out on the road and get back on stage and kind of get that ball rolling.”

Looking to the Future

As for her future, Peña is optimistic and open to whatever comes her way. “Only God knows what my future holds, but I’m going full force with everything and enjoying everything he has in store for me. That’s because whatever it is, good and bad, it’s meant for me and it’s perfect. And it has its purpose. So, I’m at a place where I can understand that and appreciate that.”

With her return to music and her future plans, Jennifer Peña is once again poised to make a significant impact on the Tejano music scene. Stay tuned for more updates on her journey.

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