Emilio & Diego Navaira to embrace Tejano culture with upcoming new music

The Last Bandoleros | Courtesy photo

Emilio Navaira IVandDiego Navairaplan to embrace their Tejano culture for upcoming new music with their bandThe Last Bandoleros, according to an interview withThe AC Cruz Podcast.

The brothers stated, “Without giving too much away, more so now, I think we’re embracing our culture in our music much, much more, which we’re really, really excited about. Let’s just say, I think that fans of 90s Tejano, in particular, are going to hear some stuff that they recognize maybe.”

Emilio and Diego tell hostAC Cruzabout how they’re dealing with the pandemic, their recent performance on Good Morning America and why it was so special, to unforgettable memories and never heard before stories of their father, late Tejano iconEmilio Navaira, which got emotional at times.

RELATED:Emilio Navaira IV of The Last Bandoleros weds in San Antonio

The duo spoke about their weekly live-streamed showAround A Neon Cactusdescribed as a “weird variety comedy show” that features performances from the band every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. CT on the officialLast Bandoleros Facebook page.

Listen to the full interview with Emilio and Diego Navaira on the Season 8 premiere ofTheAC Cruz Podcast below. Hear previous episodes and get more details at CruzControlWithACCruz.com.

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